Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What is an Ultrasonic Belt Cleaner

An ultrasonic belt cleaner is an appliance that uses ultrasound technology and a cleaning solvent to thoroughly scour the furnace belt. The intention is to remove all traces of contamination deposited onto the belt. Sound waves are submitted into a cleaning liquid by means of transducers that are positioned within the cleaning tank. A transducer is an instrument that transforms one form of energy into another. It produces ultrasonic waves in the fluid by altering stature in harmony with an electrical signal vibrating at ultrasonic frequencies. The sound travels throughout the tank creating waves of compression and expansion in the liquid, leaving behind an immense amount of microscopic bubbles that implode before dislodging impurities from the furnace belt. Ultrasonic technology is significantly valuable in furnace belt sanitation as it can deliver ultra-precise and efficient cleaning capabilities.

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